GP CARE WAKEFIELD is an extended out of hours service owned by all Wakefield GP Practices to cover the entire population of the Wakefield district.
Extra appointments available at evenings and weekends
Did you know you can now book same-day and routine appointments on evenings and weekends through Wakefield District’s GP Care Wakefield service?
Northgate Surgery works with other practices in our Primary Care Network to provide these extra appointments from a number of sites across the district. Staffed by local GPs, nurses and other healthcare professionals, you can get:
Same-day appointments for urgent issues
Routine GP appointments
Routine nurse appointments
Dressings and clip removals
Blood tests
Long-term condition reviews
Cervical smears
B12 injections
Repeat contraception reviews
Book an appointment
Contact our practice reception team to book an evening or weekend appointment. All appointments must be pre-booked as this is not a walk-in service. If you are unwell when we are closed, call our practice number to be put through to GP Care.
Opening times
Monday to Friday: 5pm – 9.30pm
Saturdays 9am – 5pm
Sundays 9am – 1pm
Church View Health Centre – Langthwaite Road, South Kirkby, Pontefract WF9 3AP
Elizabeth Court Surgery – Elizabeth Drive, Castleford WF10 3TG
Northgate Surgery – Northgate, Pontefract WF8 1NF
Ossett Surgery – Ossett Health Village, Kingsway, Ossett WF5 8DF
Trinity Medical Centre – Thornhill Street, Wakefield WF1 1PG
Is this service part of the NHS?
Yes, GP Care Wakefield is an NHS service provided by Conexus Healthcare on behalf of all primary care networks and practices across Wakefield District.
How is GP Care Wakefield staffed?
By clinical and practice staff who work in the local area. A locally-led service by the practice staff you know and trust for people living in Wakefield District.
Will GP Care Wakefield have access to my medical records?
Yes, clinical staff who work in GP Care can access your record to provide the safest care. You will be asked to consent to share your records if this isn’t already in place and notes from your GP Care appointment is available to your own GP.
I have an appointment with GP Care Wakefield but can’t make it
If you need to cancel your appointment, please call your GP practice number as usual and speak to the reception team.
I prefer to see a female doctor, can I request this?
Yes, you can request this when you call; however, they cannot always guarantee this.
What if I need a referral or scan?
GP Care can order scans, tests, prescribe electronically, and make referrals to the hospital and related services if you need them.
I have feedback or a complaint about the GP Care Wakefield service
Please get in touch with the GP Care Wakefield team. By knowing about the problem, they can try their best to solve it straight away for you.